
Monogram Clean Force Rapid Multi Surface Disinfectant Cleaner (6102269) replaces Monogram Clean Force Peroxide Disinfectant and Glass Cleaner RTU (8000243)


Monogram Clean Force Rapid Multi Surface Disinfectant Cleaner

Rapid Multi Surface Disinfectant Cleaner is an EPA-registered, 4-in-1 disinfectant cleaner. This highly versatile solution is designed for use on both hard and soft non-food contact surfaces, and helps deliver streak-free performance on glass. Simplify cleaning with one product across a variety of spaces and surfaces. Available in both an easy-to-use spray bottle format or a dispensed 2L version.

  • US Foods APN: 5459944
  • Monogram Clean Force Code: 6102269
  • Icon #: K95
  • GTIN Number: 10780852005404
To order, log in and add it to your next US Foods order.
Features & Benefits

Features & Benefits:

Instill confidence with clean, healthy spaces

  • Fast kill times for SARS-CoV-2*, Influenza A Virus and Norovirus*
  • Streak-free performance

Optimize cleaning efficiencies

  • 4-in-1 product reduces the need for multiple products
  • Broad surface application flexibility

Make cleaning easy on staff

  • Fresh, pleasant scent helps improve user experience
  • Intuitive use simplifies training and cleaning procedures



  • Public spaces
  • Bathrooms
  • Hard furniture
  • High touch point hard surfaces
  • Mirrors, windows, glass and fixtures
  • Soft surface sanitiziation and disinfection*

*When used according to label directions; EPA Reg. No 1677-273. Claim approved by federal EPA. In California, claim is under review and not approved at this time.

Effective Against/On:

Soft Surface Disinfection: Claim is approved by federal EPA and all 49 states except California. In California, the soft surface disinfection and soft surface virucide are under review. Please use soft surface SANITIZATION claims and application in California.

10 second SARS-CoV-2 claim: Claim is approved by federal EPA and all 49 states except California. In California, claim is under review and not approved at this time. In California, please follow label directions for 30 second SARS-CoV-2 claim.

Noro, Influenza and hospital disinfection claims: When used according to label directions; EPA Reg. No. 1677-272 and 1677-273 (RTU): 30 second virus claims are approved across all states and CAN be used in California.

How To Use

Directions for Use:

Eliminating Residue and Streaks:
Use a clean microfiber cloth for best performance, as paper towels (or other disposable wipes) may leave behind particles or residue. For mirror and glass application, spray clean microfiber cloth instead of mirror for streak-free finish.

Fighting Germs and Odors on Soft Surfaces:
Sanitizes, disinfects and removes odors, but is not a stain remover.

Before using on soft surfaces, test the product in an inconspicuous area. Avoid using on white, light-colored or cotton fabrics.

For disinfection and virucidal performance, the product must be diluted between 4 – 6oz/gal. The RTU product is used undiluted, and delivers the same performance as the 6oz/gal dilution of the concentrate.


Monogram Clean Force Rapid Multi Surface Disinfectant Cleaner (6102269) replaces Monogram Clean Force Peroxide Disinfectant and Glass Cleaner RTU (8000243)


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