Monogram Clean Force Easy Scrub Pot & Pan Detergent with Enzymes

A high-performing liquid detergent for manual ware-washing. Enzymes eat away at tough soils, significantly reducing scrub time for employees. This powerful formula makes cleaning baked-on proteins and starches easier and more effective.

  • US Foods APN: 1153937
  • Monogram Clean Force Code: 6102389
  • Icon #: P25
  • GTIN Number: 10780852006531
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Features & Benefits

Features & Benefits:

Labor-Saving: Loosens soil to help reduce time employees spend scrubbing

Formulated with enzymes specifically designed for proteins and starches

Gentle on hands

Effective foaming properties

Mild and fresh clean scent

RTU, 32 oz. squeeze bottle


General detergent for use in restaurants, cafeterias, school lunchrooms, hospitals, etc.

Hand washing of pots, pans, dishware and utensils in a 3-compartment sink.

Effective Against/On:

Grease, Baked on proteins and starches, difficult food soils


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